Category Archives: Uncategorized

College Football and the NFL Play Role Reversal

Growing up in the South, the NFL had very little presence outside of television.  There were not very many teams here and pro football seemed to have more of a national flavor rather than a regional one.  I pulled for the Atlanta Falcons because they were the closest team to me in South Carolina.  But …

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Fight Song Evolves to Rally Song in College Football

This has got to be the coolest time in history to be a college football fan. I remember going to games to watch my favorite team but now the football experience is an extension of an aerobics class. For years, teams had a fight song that they would play as the team would enter the …

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Tebow Was Eliminated From The Playoffs…What Do We Talk About Now?

We all know what it’s like to be around someone who can only talk about one subject and once the topic shifts, they fade into the woodwork.  I get the feeling that the same thing is happening in the sports media since Tebow was eliminated from the playoffs last weekend.   For four months now, we …

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The NFL Needs a College Influence and Tebow Could Help

 Trends within the NFL seem to move faster than trends in College Football.  We might see periods in the NFL where defense dominates and when that happens, all you really need is a safe quarterback that manages the offense with limited turnovers.  Baltimore and Tampa Bay were two teams in the recent past with such …

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Running Up the Score in College Football

          I’ve often wondered why coaches from this generation are so sensitive. They respond to accusations before they check them out, they jump all over the media for things that were said about their programs, and they get upset when the opposing team seems to run up the score. And in most cases, these accusations …

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College Football Playoffs…Who Needs It?

  Awh, it’s that time of the year again.  The interstate rivals, the conference championship games, and the bowl season right around the corner.  But as usual, everyone is caught up in the college football playoffs controversy.  It seems to happen every year.  People with poor memories will forget what it used to be like …

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Here we Grow!

Hello, This is the beginning of a new blog about college sports.  I’m from North Carolina and will spotlight the college teams in the region from time to time but will tackle anything that is happening, of note, in college sports  anywhere in the country.  I will also post pictures and a link to my site where …

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